Monday, July 11, 2011

Texas Senate Republicans Approve Guns On Campus

According to the Huffington Post Texas Senate Republicans have approved a bill to allow the concealed carrying of handguns on public college campuses. The bill had been previously rejected when it was proposed on its own but supporters were able to attach it to a universities spending bill which was easily passed, therefore passing the handgun bill along with it. This bill has brought up a lot of controversy already. Those in opposition of it fear that with so many potential guns on campuses, a situation could quickly get out of control. Supporters however argue that with more students carrying a weapon, they won't be left defenseless should anything such as the Virginia Tech massacre happen again. Supporters argue that as it is, students are left with no protection and are extremely vulnerable to the possibility of a gunman on the rampage. Governor Rick Perry supports the bill and is expected to sign it through to become law if the bill can make it that far.
 I feel this article is worth taking a look at because being a college student this is an issue that could possibly affect you whether you support it or not. I personally agree with the passing of this bill because should a life threatening situation occur, I would like to be able to defend myself.